Stop the surge: Deal with Alcohol cravings


Addiction can be summed up as both a psychological and medical disorder.

Whatever drives you to dive into the abyss of addiction, you need to force yourself sometimes to not hit the rock bottom in life. Alcohol cravings are infect one of the many reasons that people find it hard to detox themselves or go for a de addiction plan.

It's true, though. All the alcohol rehab centres in Mumbai have noticed that it is very common that an addict feels a very strong desire or urge to consume alcohol, or any substance for that matter. However, the road to recovery lies in facing these obstacles and overcoming them. If you don't learn how to manage these cravings, then you might end up in a viscous circle of consumption. Relapsing back to old ways will never give birth to the new sober you.

Where do cravings begin?

Whether it is alcohol addiction or drug addiction, it seeks to mingle with the brain’s dopamine system. Feelings of pleasure and satisfaction or other "positives" of dopamine is experienced by alcoholics. However, this may lead to dopamine surge. As you continue to drink, your brain becomes accustomed to elevated levels of these neurotransmitters.

Cravings can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Constantly thinking about drinking
  • Feeling uneasy or anxious
  • Mood instability and irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Decreased appetite
  • Having difficulty thinking clearly
  • Being highly anxious
  • Having difficulty maintaining your self-control

What to do?

Here's a helpful list to overcome the uncontrollable urges that you might feel from time to time during your road to de addiction:

1. Track and Analyse: Consider tracking and analyzing your urges to drink for a couple of weeks. This will help you become more aware of when and how you experience urges, what triggers them, and ways to avoid or control them.

2. Seek help: While it is crucial to seek professional therapy from nasha mukti kendra in Mumbai sometimes a simple talk with someone you trust can be helpful. For high risk situation, reach out to a trusted friend for a phone call, or bring one along to your therapy sessions at alcohol rehab centres in Pune alcohol rehab centres in Pune & Mumbai.

3. Distract yourself: Find a healthier alternative activity. For different situations, depending on if you want short term or long term effects, you can practice alternatives like texting or calling someone, watching short online videos, lifting weights to music, showering, meditating, taking a walk, or doing a hobby.

4. Try out medications: Only under the supervision of detox centres or deaddiction centres in Mumbai to bring chemical changes in the working of the brain.

5. Consumption Control: We understand that the consequences of immediately stopping consumption can be lethal. Therefore, gradual and systematic decrease in consumption is the way out. Chart out a strategic plan with the help of a detox centre.

We insist on a professional path to recovery. Cravings might seem normal in the beginning, but might end up turning into unwanted withdrawal symptoms. Reach out to Jagruti Rehab Center, the best alcohol rehabilitation centre in Mumbai for custom alcohol de- addiction plans.