Psychotherapy: What It Is, How it Works


The only way out is through.

Robert Frost

Psychotherapy is one such vital tool that orchestrates the journey to healing and rehabilitation from addiction and mental illness. This technique of mental rehabilitation has been around for centuries but has seen renewed interest in the past decade. With the global revolution on mental health awareness, people and physicians are focusing more on determining the root cause of mental illness than relying on medications and techniques. Thus, it is vital to know what is psychotherapy treatment and its benefits. Stay tuned as we discuss what is psychotherapy in detail.

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy, also known as conversational/talk therapy or psychological coaching, involves mental health practitioners helping people evaluate their feelings, thoughts, and actions. The major goal is to regain self-awareness about mental health concerns and encourage progressive, beneficial transformations.

There are many different types of therapy, including:

  • Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis delves deep into the unconscious to uncover underlying psychological factors.

  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) focuses on identifying and modifying thought patterns and behaviors for improved mental health.

  • Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) teaches emotional regulation and interpersonal skills, particularly for those with borderline personality disorders.

  • Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) concentrates on improving relationships and communication to alleviate emotional distress.

  • Psychodynamic therapy

Psychodynamic therapy explores the influence of early experiences on current emotions and behaviors.


How Does Psychotherapy Work?

A quick breakdown of the basic steps of psychotherapy sessions:

  • Evaluation of the case

The therapist first needs to understand you as a person and your chief complaint. This includes your medical and mental health history, existing symptoms, personal background, and particular difficulties. The therapist can gather this information through arranged interviews, questionnaires, or discussions.

The therapist can make a diagnosis based on this assessment to help create a customized treatment plan that outlines the therapeutic goals, objectives, and overall approach to be used in therapy.

  • Building a doctor-patient relationship

The therapist provides a safe and confidential environment in which you can express your ideas and emotions without fear of judgment or violation of privacy. He uses active listening and empathy to completely understand the patient's point of view and build rapport.

  • Sessions of self-reflection

Therapy allows you to explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours through self-reflection sessions. You are free to delve into past events, thought patterns, and emotional responses to gain a better understanding of yourself. The treatment plan guides self-reflection as you collaborate with the therapist to reflect on treatment progress and receive feedback.

  • Applying techniques and micro habits

As the therapist employs specialized techniques and strategies such as cognitive-behaviorial therapy (CBT), patients learn to identify and modify their mental health. In dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), they learn emotional management skills. These approaches are tailored to the patient's requirements.

Along the way, he imposes small, long-term changes, or microhabits. Patients can use these behaviours in their daily lives to reinforce what they learn in treatment. For example, someone suffering from anxiety may use deep breathing techniques to relax.

  • Aftercare assessment

Post-treatment evaluation may include regular check-ins or additional sessions to address any new problems that arise. It is a proactive approach to long-term mental health.

When should you consider psychotherapy?

The taboo on mental health and the need to talk about it openly has busted many myths about psychotherapy or talk therapy. Yet, there is a significant section of people in tier 2 and tier 3 cities who need a push. They are unaware, scared, or feel stigmatized to talk about it.

Here is when you or a loved one needs to avail of psychotherapy:

  • When people experience chronic anger, anxiety, or despair or undergo life-changing events, they often turn to psychotherapy.
  • Constantly anticipation, apprehension, and anxiety.
  • A persistent and overwhelming feeling of helplessness or sorrow.
  • Struggling to concentrate on daily duties.
  • Engaging in harmful habits, such as the use of substance abuse
  • Problems that continue despite personal efforts and the support of friends and family.

How Can Jagruti Rehab Center Help You With Psychotherapy?

Welcome to the Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre, led by renowned psychologist Dr. Amar Shinde. Our specialized services have expanded from Pune to locations across the country. We recognise the strong link between resolving mental health issues and managing physical health issues. Our services include tailored psychotherapy for diseases such as anxiety, trauma, mood disorders, mental health issues, and relationship problems.

We treat psychological well-being as a vital part of total health, providing personalized therapeutic interventions and family support to guarantee long-term success. Contact us for a free consultation and start on the path to a brighter future.