What are 5 Things you need to know about bipolar?


Bipolar disorder is also considered a manic-depressive illness as it is identified with manic behaviors like extreme activity, sudden mood swings, and episodes of depression.

This disorder is very complicated to identify with because of its complex nature and differs from person to person. Nature of which has made the disease-prone to misconceptions and myths. We need to clear that clutter off by knowing facts about the disease.

The best OCD specialists in Mumbai, India have stated some facts about the most misunderstood disorder and shed some light on it.

1.The average onset of the disorder is 25-

The symptoms of bipolar disorder are periods of intensive activity and lesser sleep and continue with a period of depression. These symptoms tend to form in the early adult years and no one knows the reason why. However, it is important to note that bipolar disorder can appear at any stage, be it childhood or adulthood, says an OCD specialist in Mumbai, India.

2.Bipolar is the 6th leading cause of disability-

Because it is a hard task for a person with bipolar to maintain attention, moods, and overall conduct, it is even harder to maintain jobs, relationships and manage money effectively. This might take an adverse toll on their mental health further deteriorating it. The disorder may also accompany by other physical disabilities such as diabetes, migraine, obesity, and so on. The point is, the already existing disability can result in them not taking decent physical care. This has caused to deteriorate lives and resulted in disabilities.

3.Bipolar disorders run in families-

The experts at Jagruti Rehabilitation centre, one of the finest OCD treatment centres in Pune believe that two-thirds of the people that suffer from bipolar have at least one close relative who had it. Although all the research suggests the same, it isn’t true for all individuals. The best OCD treatment centre in Pune and Mumbai has reported cases where the identical twin to the one with the disorder never had bipolar.

4.Four types of bipolar-

Medical professionals identify four types of bipolar according to the OCD specialists in Mumbai and Pune at Jagruti rehab centre, Bipolar 1 where the extreme mood can carry on for about 7days or so. Bipolar 2 is defined as the one where these mood swings are less and may suffer from hyperactivity. Cyclothymia is characterized by extreme depression episodes and the fourth may be any bipolar condition excluding these specific symptoms, as per OCD specialists in Mumbai.

5.Treatment helps you lead productive lives-

There is no specific cure for the disorder, but neat counselling and medication would help you lead a normal life. Jagruti Rehabilitation centre, has a well-equipped OCD treatment centre in Pune and Mumbai which contributes as a unit in the patients’ treatment. A well-designed course of treatment results in trust-building and a better understanding of the condition to the patient’s loved ones. Jagruti rehabilitation centre is fully equipped with facilities and experts that can guide some on you know with bipolar disorder.