Mental Health

Anxiety or Depression: The Difference Matters

Written By
Jagruti Rehab
Last Updated on: 11 Nov 2024

What is the difference between anxiety, Stress and depression?

In our life everyone sometimes feel anxious or depressed. Anxiety and Depression are human emotions that are common reactions to modern life’s various challenges. It could be losing a loved one, the fear of losing your job or status, going through a divorce or even facing important exams.

On the surface they look both alike but Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre, India’s premier dementia care centre located in Pune and Mumbai, fully understands that anxiety and depression are two different medical conditions with different sets of complex, associated clinical conditions, symptoms, causes and treatments. Anxiety and depression can occur sequentially (one in reaction to the other), or they can occur together. They have distinct psychological features and their symptoms or expressions of the condition are different. Roughly 50% of people diagnosed with depression will also be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

difference between depression and anxiety

Symptoms of anxiety disorder include excessive worry, restlessness, getting fatigued quickly, lack of concentration, easily irritable, disturbed sleep, muscle tension, gastro-intestinal diseases, increase in heart rate, blood pressure, excessive sweating, and breathlessness.

While symptoms of major depression include mood swings, lack of interest in any activity, loss of appetite or sudden increase in appetite, sleeplessness or excessive sleep, slow movement, lethargy, guilty feeling or hopelessness, difficulty in concentrating, physical pain without reason, suicidal tendencies. The physical symptoms of both anxiety and depression disorder exhaust the afflicted person.

It’s important to get an accurate diagnosis in order to treat the correct conditions and Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre is reputed as one of the best psychiatric hospitals in Pune and Mumbai. Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre is the biggest mental hospital and de-addiction centre with a capacity of over 200 beds. It is the first and one-of-its-kind dementia and neuro-psychological care centre in Maharashtra.

Founded by Pune’s most reputed psychiatrist Dr.Amar Shinde it provides top-grade diagnosis, quality care, treatments and services in Psychological Rehabilitation, Dementia Care, Mental Retardation Care, De-addiction, Palliative Care and Hospice. He is ably assisted by an experienced, multi-disciplinary team of experts including psychiatrists, doctors, psychologists, certified addiction counsellors, nurses and other medical professionals.

The personal-centric approach of Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre produces positive results for every individual as it boosts their confidence and helps them manage their symptoms, re-gain control over their lives and live a fuller, happier, healthier life again.

Symptoms of both anxiety disorder and depression usually show a marked improvement with psychological counseling (medically termed as psychotherapy) and medications, such as antidepressant drugs, or both. Psychotherapy means treating depression by talking to the afflicted patient about his health condition and related issues. This is done by a qualified mental health professional. There are different types of psychotherapy like cognitive behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy and all of them are effective in treating patients. Psychotherapy usually helps you adjust in a crisis or other difficulties, it identifies negative beliefs, feelings, behavior patterns and helps replace them with healthy, positive behavior habits, it explores your relationships and various experiences, and helps to alter and develop positive interactions with other people, it also helps find better ways to cope with and solve your health or personality problems, identify issues that add or contribute to your depressive state of mind and helps identify and change behavioral patterns that make your health conditions worse. It also helps you retrieve your sense of well-being and gain control control over your life. Psychotherapy helps ease the symptoms of depression such as hopelessness and enables you to learn to set realistic goals for your life. It also develops your tolerance level and helps you accept your distress by accepting healthier thought processes and behavioral patterns.

A change in Lifestyle such as better sleeping habits, enhanced social support, practicing stress-busting techniques or getting regular physical exercises may also help combating anxiety disorders and depression.

Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre has specialized de-addiction centres in Pune and Mumbai and therefore it lays special emphasis on helping its patients avoid drinking alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs as they can worsen both anxiety and depression conditions and interfere with treatment.

The psychiatric hospitals of Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai and Pune are thus India’s best psychiatric and dementia care centres to treat anxiety disorders and depression.


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