
What are Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning

Written By
Jagruti Rehab
Last Updated on: 11 Nov 2024

Alcohol poisoning is ideally a severe and sometimes deadly consequence of drinking a considerable amount of alcohol in a short time. Drinking too much too quickly is likely to affect your breathing, heart rate, and body temperature and potentially lead to coma and death.

signs and symptoms of alcohol

The Best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Malad experts say that alcohol poisoning can also occur when adults or children accidentally or intentionally drink some household products which contain alcohol. The person with alcohol poisoning needs immediate medical attention at the Alcohol addiction treatment center in Andheri. You should call for emergency medical help right away if you suspect someone has alcohol poisoning.

Alcohol poisoning symptomss

Once you have understood what alcohol poisoning is, you need to check out the symptoms. Some of the most common alcohol poisoning signs and symptoms include vomiting, confusion, slow breathing, irregular breathing, or low body temperature. It is not necessary to have all the signs or symptoms before you seek medical help, but a person with alcohol poisoning who's unconscious or cannot be awakened is at risk of dying. You should call 911 or any other local emergency number if you suspect that someone has alcohol poisoning.


The expert's rehabilitation center in Pune says that alcohol is available in the form of ethanol, and it is found in alcoholic beverages, cooking extracts, mouthwashes, and some medications. Ethyl alcohol poisoning leads to drinking several alcoholic beverages. Other forms of alcohol, like isopropyl alcohol, are found in alcohol lotion rubbing and other cleaning products, which causes different types of toxic poisoning that require emergency treatment.

Binge drinking

One of the most common causes of alcohol poisoning is binge drinking which is the pattern of heavy drinking when a person rapidly consumes at least five or more alcoholic drinks within 2 hours. An alcoholic binge can occur over hours or at least several days. You can consume a fatal dose before you pass out, and even when you are unconscious, or you have stopped drinking, alcohol continues to be released from your stomach and intestines into the bloodstream, and the alcohol level in the body continues to rise.

How much alcohol is too much?

Alcohol is absorbed quickly by our body, unlike food which can take a lot of time to digest long before other nutrients. Therefore, it takes a lot more time for the body to get rid of the alcohol that you have consumed. The liver processes most alcohol. The more you drink, especially in a short time, the greater your risk of alcohol poisoning.

Risk factors

There are several risk factors that can increase the risk of alcohol poisoning, like size and weight, overall health, whether you have eaten recently or whether you are combining alcohol and other drugs.


Drink alcohol in moderation

If you choose to drink alcohol at all, then you must drink in moderation. For healthy adults, that means you should drink at least one drink a day.

Don't drink on an empty stomach

Having some food in the stomach might slow the absorption somewhat, but it wouldn't prevent alcohol poisoning, so if you are drinking, you must have some food.

Communicate with the teams

It would be best if you talked to your teenagers about the dangers of alcohol like binge drinking. Experts say that children who are warned about alcohol by their parents are likely to not drink alcohol.

All you need to know about alcohol poisoning treatment

Besides checking for the visible signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning, the doctor will likely order blood and urine tests to check the blood alcohol levels in other signs of alcohol toxicity like low blood sugar. Alcohol poisoning treatment generally involves supportive care while the body rids itself of the alcohol. It includes careful monitoring and prevention of breathing or choking problems, oxygen therapy, and the use of vitamins and glucose to help prevent severe complications of alcohol poisoning. Adults and kids who have accidentally consumed alcohol might need hemodialysis, which is a mechanical way of alcohol poisoning cure, and it helps you to filter the waste and toxins from the system to speed the removal of alcohol from the bloodstream. Hence alcohol poisoning is when there is a lot of alcohol in your blood, and it causes the parts of your brain to shut down. Alcohol is a depressant which means it can affect the brain and nervous system, slowing your breathing and other essential tasks that your body does. Your liver does a great job of keeping the alcohol toxins from the bloodstream. Alcohol poisoning can lead to brain damage, so you should consider visiting the best rehabilitation centre in Mumbai as soon as possible.


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