5 Important things you should know about social anxiety disorder


SAD (social anxiety disorder) is a widespread psychiatric condition that is poorly understood by the general population and even some clinicians, even at the best psychiatrist hospital in Mumbai. In social and performance circumstances, people with SAD experience strong and persistent anxiety of being assessed and evaluated by others. Despite the fact that they are aware that their dread is unfounded, regulating or avoiding Social anxiety disorder symptoms appears to be impossible.

The tension of these circumstances is too much to take if you have social anxiety disorder, often known as social phobia. You could, for example, avoid any social contact because things that other people consider "normal" make you uncomfortable, such as small conversation and eye contact. It's possible that all elements of your life, not just social ones, may begin to come apart once you start to know the answer to the question; what is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social anxiety symptoms may be debilitating—and misinterpreted.

While people with social anxiety often wish to make friends and participate in social activities, their acute, uncontrolled concerns might prevent them from doing so. They may appear shy and quiet on the outside, constrained, apprehensive, distant, or uninterested. They may also appear obviously distressed, flushing or shivering, sweating profusely, and having difficulty meeting others' gazes. According to the experts at the best psychiatrist hospital in Delhi, because others may be unaware of the disease, these symptoms may be misconstrued negatively, isolating the person with social anxiety even more.

Physical symptoms are a result of social anxiety.

People frequently consider any form of anxiety, particularly social anxiety, to be exclusively an emotional or mental problem. People with social anxiety, on the other hand, may feel flushed and panicked in a tough social scenario, or their hearts may beat. Their muscles may tremble and their throats may feel dry. They could even become nauseous. If you suffer from social anxiety, speak with your doctor at any Schizophrenia treatment in Mumbai about adopting soothing practices to help you cope with the symptoms when they arise.

It's Not Just About Public Speaking-

Symptoms of social anxiety can be triggered by a variety of social circumstances. One of the most typical triggers is speaking or acting in front of an audience. The following are some other social anxiety triggers:

  • Drinking or eating in front of others
  • Expressing dissatisfaction
  • Attending a gathering
  • Meeting new people
  • Exercising one's right to speak out in a meeting

SAD and shyness are not the same things.

SAD and shyness have similar characteristics, but they are not the same thing. Shyness is a personality characteristic for which there is no cure. SAD, on the other hand, is a condition that worsens with time if left untreated.

There are additional differences between SAD and shyness indicated by experts at the best psychiatrist hospital in ahmedabad, in the following areas:

Symptom severity: People with shyness have fewer symptoms than those with SAD.

Functional impairment: The majority of shy persons do not have their daily lives disrupted. People who suffer from SAD do.

Level of social avoidance: Shy people are far less likely to avoid social situations.

It Is Treatable-

There is hope, and you don't have to "learn to live with it" if your social anxiety keeps you from working or leaving the house, or if you have a specific phobia that hinders you from reaching your objectives, such as a fear of public speaking. Jagruti rehabilitation centre is the best Mental hospital in Mumbai that can help you cope up with social anxiety. Their experts can help you manage your Social anxiety disorder symptoms.