Best Tips for Caregivers & Families of People With Dementia


Dementia is a problem that doesn’t just affect the patient but the people who are around them as well. The number of patients with dementia is supposed to increase to 78 million by the time we reach 2023. Unfortunately, caring for and paying attention to the patient falls into the hands of the family members.

However, caregiving is a difficult task that, from time to time, demands a lot of effort and attention. In such cases, caregivers find themselves seeking some help to tips for helping people with dementia. This is precisely what we are helping with here.

Jagruti Rehab Centre is one of the frontrunners in assisting people with mental health issues such as addiction, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and many other problems.

Dementia is a progressive condition that affects a person's memory, thinking, behaviour, and ability to perform daily activities. As a caregiver, you play a crucial role in helping your loved one manage their symptoms and maintain their quality of life.

Caring for someone with dementia can be physically and emotionally challenging, so taking care of yourself and seeking support when needed is essential. In this article, we will provide some important tips for dementia caregivers.

How To Help Someone with Dementia

Taking care of someone with dementia can be a nerve-wracking task for sure. You constantly have to be at the beck and call of someone. Caring for someone with dementia in your family is even more difficult as you see the person you knew slipping far away in a haze of lost memories.

So, in this challenging time, you, too, need to focus on your caregiving and ensure that you can take care of the person to the best of your abilities. So, on that note, let us have a look at some dementia caregiver tips that can help you help others who are suffering from dementia.

  • Keep Yourself Open to Changing Ways of Interacting With The Person
  • It is easy to look at the person you know and see them exactly how they have always been. But it is more than essential to remember that the person you knew once has changed to some extent. While they might still look the same, there might be some differences in their behaviour.

    What is worse is that they might not come back from the situation. So, you must go ahead and adjust the way you behave around them. The ways you would communicate before are obsolete, so it is best to accept the change and interact with them accordingly.

  • Make Sure to Avoid Stress and Conflict
  • Dementia can often impair the ability of the brain to handle confusion and stress. So, as a caregiver, you must ensure that you can help the person avoid confusing, conflicting, and stressful situations. Make sure to limit the situations that can induce any unnecessary change or confrontation of some kind.

    Circumstances and tough conversations will arise, but it is imperative to ensure that you can avoid needless conflict. Also, it would be best if you kept in mind that changes to the daily routine can introduce confusion.

    Hence, you will have to keep things in check. If you are looking for a moral dementia care centre in Delhi, Jagruti Rehab Centre is always here to help you with your problems.

  • Implement Precautions to Avoid Dangerous Situations
  • Sudden impairments in decision-making and memory can make situations pretty unsafe and dangerous for the people you love. As the caregiver, you must make sure that you can identify these safety issues and provide proper solutions that can help curb the disastrous effects of these problems.

    Now the precautions you need to take for your loved ones might be different according to the type of dementia that they have. In certain common cases, the issues can be with simple tasks such as driving, using kitchen appliances, etc.

    So, during these difficult times, you need to make sure that such activities are closely monitored so that you can prevent any mishaps from happening.

  • Provide As Much Support as You Can
  • One of the most important things to remember with Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care is to provide the best support and care you can. Hence, you will have to assess the amount of support regularly. Caregivers need to understand that if any issues persist and become a pattern with the dementia patient, the best thing to do is to provide a proper solution.

    When caregiving for a person with dementia, it is vital to be proactive. Make sure you know when the time is right to make protective decisions for helping the dementia patient.

  • Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help
  • Understandably, you are caring for someone who needs constant care and attention. But it is a whole other thing to compromise your health. Self-care is essential when it comes to caregiving because you need to have some help when it comes to caring for others.


We understand how difficult it can be to care for people with dementia. So, there is no doubt that you will need some help from time to time. If you are searching for the best dementia care homes in Mumbai, we are the best place to be. You will find all the help that you need right here.