Things you must know about narcissistic personality disorder.


In our selfie-obsessed, celebrity-driven society, narcissism is commonly used to describe someone who looks too arrogant or self-centered. In terms of psychology, however, narcissism does not indicate genuine self-love. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are said to be in love with an idealized, grandiose image of themselves. And they love their inflated self-esteem because it allows them to avoid true insecurity. Maintaining their delusions of grandeur, on the other hand, demands a substantial amount of work, which is where the dysfunctional attitudes and behaviors enter the picture. The best ocd specialist in Mumbai provides you a better perspective.

In our selfie-obsessed, celebrity-driven society, narcissism is commonly used to describe someone who looks too arrogant or self-centered. In terms of psychology, however, narcissism does not indicate genuine self-love. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are said to be in love with an idealized, grandiose image of themselves. And they love their inflated self-esteem because it allows them to avoid true insecurity. Maintaining their delusions of grandeur, on the other hand, demands a substantial amount of work, which is where the dysfunctional attitudes and behaviors enter the picture. The best ocd specialist in Mumbai provides you a better perspective.


The source of narcissistic personality disorder is unknown. The cause of narcissistic personality disorder is likely complicated, as it is with personality development and other mental health illnesses. The following factors may have a role in narcissistic personality disorder, according to the experts providing the best OCD treatment in Pune:

  • Environmental- mismatches in parent-child interactions, such as overwhelming love or excessive criticism that is unresponsive to the child's experience
  • Genetica- Inherited traits based on genetics
  • Neurobiology - the relationship between the brain, behavior, and thought.

Risk Factors-

Males are more prone than females to acquire narcissistic personality disorder throughout adolescence or early adulthood. Keep in mind that while some children exhibit narcissistic characteristics, this may be due to their age and does not necessarily indicate that they will develop a narcissistic personality disorder.

Although the origin of narcissistic personality disorder is unknown, some studies believe that overprotective or negligent parenting methods may influence physiologically sensitive children. Doctors providing Schizophrenia Treatment in Pune point out that In the development of narcissistic personality disorder, genetics and neurology may also play a role.

Signs and symptoms-

A massive feeling of self-importance-

The distinguishing feature of narcissism is grandiosity. Grandiosity is more than arrogance or conceit; it is an inflated sense of superiority. Narcissists feel they are one-of-a-kind or "special," and that only other exceptional individuals can understand them. Furthermore, they are just too good for anything mediocre or ordinary. They only want to associate and be associated with other people, places, and things of high prestige.

A feeling of being entitled

Narcissists demand favorable treatment because they believe they are exceptional. They feel that they should be able to have anything they desire. Psychiatrists providing bipolar disorder treatment in Mumbai observe that they also expect others to immediately comply with their every need and whim.

Exploits others without remorse or remorse.

Narcissists never develop the ability to empathize with others' emotions or put themselves in their position. To put it another way, they lack empathy. They see the people in their lives as things to service their wants in various ways. As a result, they don't think twice about using others to further their own goals.

Because of the disorder's nature, most people with NPD are hesitant to admit they have a problem—and much more hesitant to seek treatment at a bipolar disorder treatment center in Mumbai or an ocd specialist in Mumbai. Even when they do, treating narcissistic personality disorder can be difficult. That isn't to say there isn't hope or that change isn't possible.

You may learn to accept responsibility for your actions, acquire a better sense of proportion, and establish stronger relationships by working with a professional therapist. You may focus on improving your emotional intelligence as well (EQ). To empathize with others, communicate successfully, and establish solid relationships, EQ is the capacity to comprehend, use, and control your emotions in constructive ways.