Schizophrenia Wellness: Advanced Care at Jagruti

What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a serious neurological disorder. It is one of the top 15 leading causes of disability and an equally common disorder affecting about 1% of the population. Though the root cause of schizophrenia remains uncertain, experts have related genetics and environment via brain chemistry as a driving force.
Individuals who have schizophrenia have very bothersome thoughts; they experience hallucinations in the form of visions or hearing voices that do not exist, delusions, and difficulty thinking clearly. These types of feelings can be quite isolating to those experiencing them.
We respect how big of an impact schizophrenia can have on a person emotionally and on families.

What is Schizophrenia?

What are the various Schizophrenia Types?

Schizophrenia is not a homogeneous single disorder but rather a broad range of schizophrenia disorders as far as schizophrenia types are concerned. It is important to note that diagnostic criteria and classification systems for schizophrenia types have changed over time, and the distinctions between them aren’t always clear. Different people would present with symptoms from various symptom categories.

Our Treatment Services

Along with its psychiatry and addiction treatment facilities, the Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre established one of the handfuls of dementia rehabilitation and care facilities in India. We are the first dementia rehabilitation centre in Maharashtra and one of a kind in India. With an emphasis on offering comprehensive, multimodal care solutions, our distinct dementia rehab and care centres in Pune and Mumbai offer high-quality residential amenities without family. These dementia rehabilitation facilities and the schizophrenia treatment in Pune, India, have received praise from many worldwide.

The Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre with its advanced facilities and experienced team of expert doctors, other medical professionals and counsellors provide comprehensive, highly personalized and meticulously curated care, treatment and rehabilitation to psychiatric patients of Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Bipolar Affective Disorders and Depression etc at their Rehab centres in Mumbai & Pune.

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Our schizophrenia hospital in Pune, India accepts all kinds of dementia patients like those with Alzheimer’s, Vascular, Lewy Bodies, Fronto-Temporal, Paralysis, Brain Haemorrhage etc. Discreetly and with great care, our dementia rehabilitation centres endeavour to provide the highest possible quality and quantity of life to people with dementia. To augment its facility and services in its the Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre has recently added a new facility of 100 beds.

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The Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre understands that addiction is not a moral failing but a recognised and diagnosable disease that a combination can cure of specialized addiction treatments as well as structured psychological re-programming, intensive rehabilitation and recovery support.
Our aim through our Schizophrenia rehabilitation centres in Pune is to motivate and help addicts develop self-awareness and a strong will to quit their addiction through individual, group and family psychotherapies along with proven integrated clinical treatments.

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Behavioural changes that lead to cases of social withdrawal are the major symptoms of schizophrenia. Some of the noticeable changes are as follows:


A hallucination is when a person experiences a sensation but there is nothing or nobody there to account for it. False sense of feeling and sensations of objects around you is commonly referred to as hallucinations.


An erroneous yet persistent belief is a delusion. Delusions are made-up ideas as well. The person's concrete views are based on false information, and everything is made up in their head. Even if these ideas are founded on erroneous, peculiar, or unrealistic perceptions, the person held them with absolute confidence.

The specialists at our schizophrenia hospital in Pune, India advise patients with schizophrenia to avoid delusions and begin believing in reality because delusions might exacerbate their condition.

It may affect the way people behave. E.g. a delusion that someone is monitoring their actions. Paranoid delusion may believe they are being harassed or persecuted. They may believe they are being chased, followed, watched, plotted against or poisoned, often by a family member or friend.

Some people who experience delusions find different meanings in everyday events or occurrences. They may believe people on TV or in newspaper articles are communicating messages to them alone.

Confused thoughts (thought disorder)

Not able to keep track of their thoughts and conversations. Some people find it hard to concentrate and will drift from one idea to another( Loosening of associations). They may have trouble reading newspaper articles or watching a TV programme.

People sometimes describe their thoughts as "misty" or "hazy" when this is happening to them. Thoughts and speech may become jumbled or confused, making conversation difficult and hard for other people to understand. The best doctors for Schizophrenia Treatment Pune, India, can help you with this with the aid of specialized treatment plans.

Changes in behaviour and thoughts

A person's behavior depends upon the person's thought & may become more disorganized and unpredictable, and their appearance or dress may seem unusual to others. People with schizophrenia may behave inappropriately or become extremely agitated and shout or swear for no reason.

Some people describe their thoughts as being controlled by someone else, that their thoughts are not their own, or that thoughts have been planted in their minds by someone else.

A schizophrenia hospital in Pune, India often comes across cases where the patient complains of being harassed, killed, chased, watched or plotted against. They might interpret everyday occurrences differently than others as well.

It represents a withdrawal or lack of function that you would usually expect to see in a healthy person; for example, people with schizophrenia often appear emotionless, flat and apathetic


One of the detrimental signs and symptoms of schizophrenia is apathy. Apathy is when a person is socially withdrawn and experiencing an increasing lack of care about their appearance and personal hygiene. Loss of interest and motivation in life and activities, including relationships and sex, lack of concentration, etc. Despite their progress in recovery, a person with schizophrenia could still experience depression; they will manifest apathy, which is an indication of depression. The patient would feel much better as a result of the diagnosis, therapy, and management provided by our best Schizophrenia treatment doctors in India.


Schizophrenia and alogia are frequently associated. It is seen as a harmful (occasionally early) sign of schizophrenia. It's detrimental since it limits your capacity to act. Those that suffer from alogia might:

  • Take your time between sentences.
  • Give succinct or single-word answers.
  • Only respond when someone asks you to.
  • Put on a flat tone when speaking.
  • Display boring facial expressions.
  • Use restricted sign language.

Before a more acute psychotic break, negative symptoms frequently occur. You might be able to manage the problem with brief therapy better. If you have alogia, you can visit our centre to get the best doctors for Schizophrenia Treatment Pune, India.


Schizophrenia is a mental illness that changes how you feel, think, and behave, and avolition is frequently one of its symptoms. Additionally, it might be a symptom of severe sadness or negative drug interaction. Avolition can impact many facets of your life, including your relationships and employment if you don't receive therapy. When schizophrenia is the source of avolition, our schizophrenia rehabilitation centres in Pune can assist.


Anhedonia is the incapacity to experience joy. It is a typical sign of schizophrenia. Relationships, particularly those with family and friends, become problematic when someone has anhedonia. When enjoyment's motivation is gone, it might be difficult to be driven to engage in social interactions. You might turn down invitations and steer clear of social events like concerts, parties, and physical encounters because you no longer see the value in participating. The best doctors for Schizophrenia Treatment Pune, India, at our facility can readily assist you even though anhedonia can be difficult to treat.

Jagruti Rehab Centre is amongst the best schizophrenia hospital in Pune, India. Schizophrenia is treated @ Jagruti with an individually tailored combination of therapy and medication.

Good Schizophrenia Care: We Work On Nice Guidelines

  • Work in partnership with people with schizophrenia and their caregivers.
  • Offer help, treatment and care in an atmosphere of hope and optimism.
  • WWe take time to build supportive and empathic relationships as an essential part of care.

Crisis Resolution Team (CRT)

We have our team for acute patients with violent behavior at home. We can safely handle patients & give immediate relief to patients & their relatives. In such cases we can send our team with an ambulance to admit the patient to our schizophrenia rehabilitation centres in Pune.

  • In the interests of the person's own health and safety
  • To protect others


Antipsychotics are usually recommended as the initial treatment for the symptoms of an acute schizophrenic episode. They work by blocking the effect of the chemical dopamine on the brain.

Antipsychotics can be taken orally (as a pill) or given as an injection (known as a depot). Several slow-release antipsychotics are available. These require you to have one injection every two to four weeks.
There are two main types of antipsychotics :

  • typical antipsychotics – the first generation of antipsychotics developed during the 1950s
  • atypical antipsychotics – newer-generation antipsychotics developed in the 1990s

Side Effects

The choice of antipsychotic should be made following a discussion between you and your psychiatrist about the likely benefits and side effects.

  • shaking
  • trembling
  • muscle twitches
  • muscle spasms
  • Side effects of both typical and atypical antipsychotics include:
  • drowsiness
  • weight gain, particularly with some atypical antipsychotics
  • blurred vision
  • constipation
  • lack of sex drive
  • dry mouth

Treatments We Offer

A severe mental disorder called schizophrenia has an impact on your thoughts, feelings, relationships, and ability to make decisions. The greatest method to increase chances of controlling the sickness is to start receiving the right treatment from the best doctors for Schizophrenia Treatment pune, India, as soon as possible because there is no known cure.

Treatment for schizophrenia will focus on controlling your symptoms. You might have to take your prescription for a very long time, or even the rest of your life.

The approach to assist you in comprehending and managing your symptoms will probably also include a significant amount of psychotherapy, a type of talk therapy.

Your loved ones' practical and emotional support, coupled with the appropriate treatments, will go a far toward assisting you in navigating your life.

Psychological treatment

Psychological treatment by the best schizophrenia treatment doctors in India can help people with schizophrenia cope with the symptoms of hallucinations or delusions better. They can also help treat some of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, such as apathy or a lack of enjoyment. Psychological treatments for schizophrenia work best when they are combined with antipsychotic medication. Common psychological treatments include:

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) aims to help you identify the thinking patterns that are causing you to have unwanted feelings and behaviour, and learn to replace this thinking with more realistic and useful thoughts. For example, you may be taught to recognize examples of delusional thinking. You may receive help and advice from the best schizophrenia treatment doctors in India on avoiding acting on these thoughts. Most people will require between 8 and 20 sessions of CBT over the space of 6 to 12 months. CBT sessions usually last for about an hour.

Family therapy

Many people with schizophrenia rely on family members for their care and support. While most family members are happy to help, caring for somebody with schizophrenia can place a strain on any family. Family therapy is a way of helping you and your family cope better with your condition. It involves a series of informal meetings over a period of around six months. Meetings may include:

  • Discussing information about schizophrenia
  • Exploring ways of supporting somebody with schizophrenia
  • Deciding how to solve practical problems that can be caused by the symptoms of schizophrenia can cause

Arts therapy

Arts therapies are designed to promote creative expression. Working with an arts therapist in a small group or individually can allow you to express your experiences with schizophrenia. Some people find expressing things in a non-verbal way through the arts can provide a new experience of schizophrenia and help them develop new ways of relating to others. Arts therapies have been shown to alleviate some people's negative symptoms of schizophrenia. As we offer the best schizophrenia treatment in Pune, India, we ensure that our art therapies are perfectly designed for schizophrenia patients. The best therapists in our team offer these therapies.

Why Choose Jagruti Rehab?

The aim of our schizophrenia rehabilitation centres in Pune & Mumbai is to provide compassionate, world class Neuro-Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Care, Treatments and Facilities.

Daily Assistance

Recovery Monitoring, assistance in daily activities and regular updates to family relatives about the progress.

Best Living conditions

Feels like home for patients; we provide homely conditions, which makes stay more comfortable and helps in fast recovery.

24/7 Professional Care

The best schizophrenia treatment doctors in Pune, nurses, attendants are available 24/7 so that each patient gets 360 degree of attention and the necessary treatment.

Experienced Psychiatrist

The Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre is headed by Pune’s renowned psychiatrist Dr. Amar Shinde and has been providing psychiatric, dementia and de-addiction treatments for over 16 years. He is ably assisted by an experienced, multi-disciplinary team of experts, including psychiatrists, MBBS doctors, psychologists, certified addiction counsellors, nurses and other medical professionals.

Psychotherapy unit

We have a separate psychotherapy unit with an expert psychologist to do psychological, cognitive and behavioural therapies and testing. We also run a 12 step de-addiction program at both our schizophrenia rehabilitation centres in Pune and Mumbai.

Social Activities

Extracurricular activities are essential. Daily yoga, meditation, drama, plays, dance, music, and other entertainment programmes that we offer aid in faster patient rehabilitation.